Foster FFA
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Raising Animals
Want to raise an animal for the Foster FFA SAE Program?

1.  In the Fall, teachers will complete an animal lesson in class.

2.  Students will be given commitment forms to bring home and discuss with parents.  At this point, you should discuss care, expenses and decide on a species.  Available species are: rabbits, chickens, turkeys, lambs, goats, pigs, heifers and steers.

3.  Students who wish to raise animals for the 2016 County Fair must turn in a commitment form to their Ag teacher.  Deadlines will vary but will be printed on the commitment form.  Students must be enrolled in an Ag course to raise an animal with the exception of Jr. members.

4.  If you will need the barn, click on AG Barn Info and make sure you read the rules and look at the deadlines to enter for a barn stall.  Seniority rules with stall assignments for all Ag students within the district.  Barn stall deposits and paperwork are your responsibility; please check all deadlines.

5.  Once we have all commitment forms in April, we will make an animal list and begin the process of ordering animals.  Payment for the animals must be turned into Mr. Thielemann before the animal is ordered.  You will receive a call from Mr. Thielemann when he is ready for you to place your order.  If you are using your own breeder, please let us know.

6.  Use your resources; read all the information you can about your species.  The more you know, the better.  As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Helpful Websites:

Fort Bend County Fair Paperwork-


Foster FFA Animal Commitment Form Heidi Schneider 10/17/2012 89 KB



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